Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Don't Give A Damn About Her Damn Reputation...

If I were a betting girl, I'd be in the hole!  Tennessee loses to Baylor?  What the what?  Look, I like Baylor.  I've been a fan for years, but Tennessee?  Pat Summitt?  The Queen of basketball?  I mean, she IS basketball!  I must confess, there were almost tears shed over this game!

So now I'm watching Gonzaga get it handed to them by Xavier.  Expected, but still disappointing.

Here's where my mindset is...Griner.  Enough said?  Incase it isn't, if Britney Griner is "on", Baylor can beat U. Conn.  I know most of you are saying "you're as crazy as a one-armed paper hanger!"  Griner is a machine!  Literally.  At dang near 7 feet tall, this freshman can block pretty much anything she see's coming.  Oh sure, she's the biggest ego since Candace Parker.  Oh sure, she has questionable hair.  Oh sure, she was suspended by the NCAA for punching a player and breaking her nose.  But I don't give a damn about her bad reputation...Let's go Baylor!  Come on!


  1. Griner is good. She is not good enough to beat UConn. UConn has too many weapons to move around her and Tina Charles is a better player. She is changing the women's game and it's good...she isn't the best yet.
